Islamic oppression | 13 October 2022

Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC): Pastor among dead in ADF attack

An Anglican pastor was among at least 10 civilians killed by suspected ADF militants in a night attack on a village in North Kivu on 4 October 2022.


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As reported by New Vision on 7 October 2022, an Anglican pastor was among at least 10 civilians killed by suspected ADF militants in a night attack on 4 October 2022. The attack took place in the village of Vido in North Kivu and locals reported that 25 houses were also set on fire and more than 20 civilians were missing, assumed abducted. As reported by APA News on 5 October 2022, the Islamic State group (IS), to which ADF is affiliated, claimed responsibility for a bomb-blast on 3 October that injured 10 civilians, mainly children, at a makeshift cinema in the town of Butembo. 

World Watch Research Analyst Yonas Dembele comments: “The security situation for Christians living in Eastern DRC is worsening with constant attacks from various militias, including IS-affiliated ADF militants. The mode of operation always seems to entail indiscriminate attacks on civilian populations to spread fear and terror. As the security situation deteriorates, ADF has the opportunity to expand and increase its capability for launching further targeted attacks against Christians.”


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