Advocacy Resources

About ODI Advocacy

Open Doors’ advocates support Christians by protecting and promoting their right to freely believe, worship, and practice their faith alone or with others, free from intolerance and discrimination. We also advocate for Christians’ social and economic rights to ensure that they can remain strong in their faith in in the face of persecution.

Our global advocacy teams operate locally, offering legal support and human rights training for persecuted Christians; nationally, through legislatures and governments; and internationally, with representation at the United Nations and European Union. We rely on our partners on the ground to give us the latest up-to-date information to ensure that we can speak up for the most persecuted in the public sphere.

If you are a government official, civil servant, third-sector worker or journalist and would like to receive Open Doors’ briefing materials, or would like further information, please contact Open Doors International Advocacy team at

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