Communist and post-Communist oppression China | 07 September 2023

China/Solomon Islands/North Korea: Foreign influence and deterrence

Show: false / Country: China /

On 1 August 2023, Benar News published a ‘success-story’ about ‘telling China’s story well’: “A Solomon Islands news company was granted more than US $130,000 by the Chinese government in exchange for agreeing to promote the truth about China’s generosity and its true intention to help develop the Pacific island country”. Unrelated to this, a new Chinese policy is calling for authorities to step up efforts to prevent North Korean defectors from heading to South Korea (Daily NK, 2 August 2023).

World Watch Research analyst Thomas Muller comments: “The Solomon Islands, which recently made headlines for an allegedly far-reaching security agreement with China, is a geopolitically important country and the reported case shows how a comparably low level of funding can buy extensive influence. The second development is more worrying for Christians, especially for those living in the Chinese province of Yunnan and coming from North Korea. This policy of trying to prevent North Koreans reaching freedom is all the more deplorable as China accepts sending these refugees back to North Korean detention camps when it could easily turn a blind eye.”


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