Islamic oppression | 11 October 2023

Democratic Republic of Congo: ADF and M23 disrupt life in North Kivu

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According to the BNN network reporting on 26 September 2023, radical Islamic group ADF launched a series of attacks on civilian communities in Beni territory, North Kivu province, in the period 18-24 September. Fourteen people were killed and ten others abducted. Elsewhere in North Kivu, M23 militants continued to clash with the Congolese armed forces and with village self-defense groups, as reported by Fatshimetrie on 2 October 2023.

World Watch Research analyst Yonas Dembele comments: “The constant clashes in North Kivu province not only threaten the safety of civilians but also disrupt daily life and social cohesion in the affected communities. The deteriorating security situation makes it increasingly challenging for Christians to gather for worship in churches or other places in the region. Additionally, openly identifying as a Christian can run the risk of being targeted by Islamist groups such as ADF.”


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