Elections Iraq | 02 April 2024

Iraq: Christian political parties protest removal of quota seats

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On 21 February 2024, an Iraqi Federal Supreme Court ruling removed quota seats from the Kurdistan Region Parliament. In protest, Christian political parties have now announced that they plan to boycott the Kurdistan Region parliamentary elections which are to be held on 11 June 2024 (Kurdistan24, 11 March 2024). According to the nine Christian parties involved, the Federal Court ruling "was the result of an historical error by the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) to gain current political advantage."

World Watch Research analyst Henriette Kats comments: “Of the 111 seats in the Kurdistan Region Parliament, 11 were reserved for religious or ethnic minorities: Five for Chaldeans, Syrians and Assyrians, one for Armenians and five for Turkmen. The Federal Supreme Court has now abolished these 11 seats, reportedly due to disagreement over its constitutionality. It is likely that this ruling will lead to a diminishing awareness and under-representation of Christians’ and other minorities’ interests in government decision-making. It is hoped that this Supreme Court ruling can be reversed before elections take place in June.”


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