Islamic oppression Malaysia | 29 February 2024

Malaysia: Is this really a ‘Green wave’?

Show: false / Country: Malaysia /

While some observers are talking about a ‘Green wave’ in Malaysia’s politics, the Federal Court recently struck down 16 provisions in Kelantan State’s Syariah Penal Code (Channel News Asia, 10 February 2024). Syariah is Malaysia’s term for Sharia.

World Watch Research analyst Thomas Muller comments: “The court declared the Syariah Penal Code provisions as ‘void and invalid’ in an 8-1 decision, but emphasized that this ruling was based on competing competencies in a federal system and not aimed at limiting or even ending Syariah. Predictably, politicians belonging to Islamist PAS party warned their constituencies and followers precisely about this and no amount of legal technicalities will sway such simplified messaging. How the government reacts to the ‘Green wave’ will be crucial for the further shape of the country. A simple crackdown using sedition laws and other means may not be the best option (The Diplomat, 10 January 2024). If, however, extending royal clemency to former Prime Minister Najib Razak by cutting his sentence for corruption in half to six years (Reuters, 2 February 2024), will appeal to the voters remains to be seen. It may happen that they are even more disgusted with a corrupt UMNO and continue to vote for alternatives, especially as several corruption cases against him are still pending.”


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