Communist and post-Communist oppression North Korea | 13 June 2023

North Korea: More ominous signs

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According to the 2023 report published on 23 May 2023 jointly by UNICEF, WHO and the World Bank entitled “Levels and Trends in child malnutrition”, more than 285,000 children below the age of five suffer from stunted growth in North Korea (page 19).

World Watch Research analyst Thomas Muller comments: “While the number of children suffering from stunted growth seems to be decreasing over the years, observers point out that it is not at all clear how the data could have been gathered. Accelerated by the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of international observers, working either at embassies, for the UN or with NGOs, has decreased immensely over recent years, so independent numbers are almost impossible to obtain.”

Thomas Muller adds: “Another sign of an economically and socially strained situation was the frank announcement by the Russian ambassador that its embassy would send home several of its diplomats due to the ‘shortages in the country’ (NK News, 26 May 2023). The isolation of North Korea seems to be growing and with it the isolation of the small Christian minority.”


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