Peace United Arab Emirates | 11 October 2023

Sudan/UAE: Supplying arms while negotiating for peace

Show: false / Country: United Arab Emirates /

A report by the New York Times published on 29 September 2023 has revealed that the United Arabic Emirates (UAE) has been using a remote airbase in Chad to fuel the war in Sudan under the guise of providing humanitarian support. According to the report, the UAE “is running an elaborate covert operation to back one side in Sudan’s spiraling war — supplying powerful weapons and drones, treating injured fighters and airlifting the most serious cases to one of its military hospitals”.

World Watch Research analyst Yonas Dembele comments: “Following the Sudan revolution that overthrew President Omar Bashir, the former transitional government had made moves to restore certain aspects of religious freedom, but these ceased when the military coup in October 2021 overthrew the transitional government. In response to the current civil war, there have been attempts to set up official negotiations for peace, involving the UAE as a member of a select diplomatic group (along with Saudi Arabia, the USA and UK). But unofficially, the UAE is prolonging the conflict by supporting the Rapid Support Services, whose leader has enjoyed long-standing ties with the Emirates. The longer the current civil war and insecurity last, the longer the Christian minority will have to wait before religious rights can once again be considered by those governing Sudan.” 


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