Dictatorial paranoia Turkmenistan | 07 September 2023

Turkmenistan: Severe food shortages provoke protests

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As reported by Radio Free Europe (RFE/RL) on 10 August 2023, hundreds of protesters (mostly women) staged the largest demonstration to date over the breakdown of Turkmenistan's subsidized food system. In response, the mayor of Turkmenbashi promised fresh supplies of subsidized food in the coming weeks. The demonstration was just one of a number of recent events pointing to the rising levels of desperation in one of the world's most isolated and repressive states.

World Watch Research analyst Rolf Zeegers comments: “The regime in Turkmenistan is extremely authoritarian and the country has often been compared with North Korea. The Turkmen elite remain more or less unaffected by the country’s problems. Protests are very rare in the country because everyone is wary of the possible severe consequences. What happened on 7 August is therefore remarkable: People have become so desperate that they are prepared to take the risk of confronting the regime. It is the normal citizens (including the tiny number of Christian converts) who are living under a burden of oppression which is unlikely to be lifted in the short-term.”


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