Maldives | 08 May 2019

Maldives: Small signs of political change?

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The Maldives Democratic Party won the parliamentary elections on 8 April 2019 with a landslide victory, giving former President Nasheed the possibility of a comeback as majority leader of parliament.‚  Thomas Muller, persecution analyst at World Watch Research, remains cautious: "Political change will take time and changes in society will take even longer. The quest for human rights will continue to be an uphill battle, but even small signals are significant. One such a signal was given by President Solih when he joined the protest march by the families of the two bloggers killed for their liberal views, as reported by Maldives Independent on 24 April 2019. This is truly a first and gives the families more hope that the killings will be investigated and the perpetrators brought to justice."  


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