1928 - 2022


Brother Andrew, the founder of Open Doors, has died aged 94. Best known for his inspirational memoir, ‘God’s Smuggler’, Brother Andrew spent years secretly delivering Bibles across the Iron Curtain.

His family announced his passing Sept. 27 at his home in Harderwijk, Netherlands.

Brother Andrew’s infectious passion for supporting persecuted Christians grew into a global charity that now helps millions worldwide, providing emergency relief, training and trauma counselling as well as secret Bibles and Christian literature.

Brother Andrew was married to Corry for 59 years, until her passing on Jan. 23, 2018. They lived all their lives in Holland and are survived by their five children and eleven grandchildren.

“We are called to change the world so that every Christian has enough liberty to worship according to the Bible. We don’t deserve our freedom. We have it by God’s grace for a purpose – to care for and strengthen other members of the Body of Christ who are suffering.”


Wake up, and strengthen what remains and is about to die."


“Brother Andrew, a servant of the Lord, father, grandfather, our brother in Christ and the much loved founder of Open Doors has left us for his eternal home in heaven. He is now with Corry, his dear wife.

"He lived for Christ and has died in Christ. We remember his family at this time and extend our deepest condolences to them all. We pray for God to comfort and strengthen them with his love."


“Our prayers can go where we cannot...there are no borders, no prison walls, no doors that are closed to us when we pray.”
- Brother Andrew

We thank God for the exemplary life and legacy of Brother Andrew. Please pray:

  • For loved ones grieving the loss of not just a visionary leader but a friend, father, brother, mentor.
  • For the ministry Brother Andrew founded: that Open Doors would remain faithful to God’s call and leading and be truly effective in strengthening what remains.
  • That God will strengthen the persecuted church to be faithful, courageous and bold.

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