Dictatorial paranoia Jordan | 26 September 2023

Jordan: New cyberlaw will further restrict freedom of expression and religion

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Jordan's King Abdullah II has approved a controversial cybercrime law aimed at curbing online speech deemed harmful to the nation, according to an article by Al-Jazeera published on 12 August 2023. Critics, including lawmakers, opposition groups and human rights groups such as Human Rights Watch, have branded the law "draconian". It allows certain online posts to be punishable by prison terms and fines, especially posts that promote immorality, show contempt for religion or undermine national unity.

World Watch Research analyst Henriette Kats comments: “Despite criticism from both domestic and international circles, the law has been approved, coming into effect from mid-September 2023 onwards. Due to the vague wording in some passages of the law, minority groups are likely to be particularly vulnerable. Christians are well experienced in applying self-censorship to what they post on social media, fearing reactions and accusations of evangelization from the community and government; this new law will only further limit what they dare to share online.”

Henriette Kats adds: “One relevant question for Christians is how ‘contempt for religion’ is to be understood. Does this, for example, also include the behavior of a Muslim who converts to Christianity and expresses his or her new faith online? This law clearly limits freedom of expression in Jordan and human rights groups are clamoring for it to be reversed as soon as possible.”


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