Islamic oppression Somalia | 13 March 2023

Somalia: Al-Shabaab recaptures Jubbaland base

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According to Reuters reporting on 7 March 2023, the Islamic militant group al-Shabaab has retaken a military base in southern Jubbaland, after it had been captured by the Somali army in January 2023. A Somali army major told Reuters: “Al-Shabaab attacked the base in Janay Abdale, about 60 km (37 miles) to the west of the port city of Kismayu”.

World Watch Research analyst Yonas Dembele comments: “Supported by US airstrikes, Somali regional and national forces had started an operation against al-Shabaab in January 2023, which resulted in some major positive results for the federal government. However, al-Shabaab remained potent and capable of launching its own counter-offensive. Al-Shabaab is not only well-armed, it is also well-funded by its illicit trade and by the taxes it imposes on the population under its control. This means that more than just an offensive by government forces is needed: Those countries that serve as the destination for illicit goods exported by al-Shabaab need to be exposed and their governments galvanized into action. Christians in the region keep a very low profile, since al-Shabaab clearly remains a dangerously effective force.”


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