Islamic oppression Sudan | 20 July 2023

Sudan: IS has begun to infiltrate the country

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Clashes between Sudan's army and paramilitary Rapid Support Forces have reportedly intensified and there have been reports of several crimes against civilians (including rape and torture), as reported by The Observers on 30 June 2023. At the same time, the conflict is opening up inroads for international terror cells to infiltrate the country. This was always expected and has been confirmed by the recent report of two senior members of the Islamic State group (IS) being arrested in Puntland (Goobjoog News, 27 June 2023).

World Watch Research analyst, Yonas Dembele comments: “The breakdown of security in Sudan provides fertile ground for violent Islamic militants to establish a presence and expand their influence. Jihadist activities, such as bombings, kidnappings and targeted attacks, not only destabilize the country but also create fear and uncertainty among the population. The growing presence of such groups as IS hampers efforts for peace, hinders development, and disrupts social cohesion, affecting all communities. Christians, in particular, fear becoming direct targets for attack.”


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