Ethno-religious hostility Sudan | 08 September 2022

Sudan: Ethnic violence erupts in Blue Nile province

Intercommunal violence is not only worsening the security situation in Sudan, it could also take on a religious dimension which would greatly affect Christians.


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As reported by Al-Jazeera on 2 September 2022, intercommunal violence in Sudan’s southern Blue Nile state has killed at least 7 civilians and left 23 injured: “The violence followed accusations from the Birta, who have long inhabited Blue Nile state, that the Hausa, who inhabit farming areas across the country, were trying to lay claim to parts of their land.” Earlier hostilities in July 2022 left 105 dead and thousands homeless.

World Watch Research analyst Yonas Dembele comments: “Intercommunal violence is worsening the security situation in Sudan to the detriment of civilians in the region and there is danger that the violence could take on a religious dimension which would greatly affect Christians. Sudan is in a very difficult situation as the transition to democracy after the ousting of President al-Bashir has been stalled by the army which is not known to prioritize human rights and democratic development.”


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