Communist and post-Communist oppression Vietnam | 26 September 2023

Vietnam: Government admits accountability in Dak Lak attacks

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Attacks against government installations in Dak Lak province in June 2023 caused the death of nine people. Whereas the government had previously only blamed the Montagnard Christian minority in the area for the violence, Radio Free Asia reported on 7 September 2023 that the government has admitted its own partial responsibility.

World Watch Research analyst Thomas Muller comments: “It is encouraging that the Vice Minister for Public Security has officially acknowledged that at least an additional reason behind the people’s resort to violence was state mismanagement in Dak Lak. The government has now openly admitted that frustration had been building up due to poor land management by the authorities and the growing wealth gap. Although the minister still held the view that opposition towards the government and sabotage were the main factors behind the violence, his statement is nevertheless an encouraging sign.”


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