Bangladesh | 24 June 2022

Bangladesh: Human rights group no longer permitted to operate

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As reported by UCA News on 7 June 2022, the NGO Affairs Bureau, which regulates charities for the Prime Minister’s Office, has rejected Odhikar’s application to renew its registration. The human rights group was accused of publishing misleading information and of tarnishing the country’s image.

World Watch Research analyst Thomas Muller comments: “As the UCA News report states, Odhikar has been documenting rights violations in Bangladesh since 1994 and has worked closely with the United Nations. The accusation of smearing the country’s image is absurd if the government is unable to deny the evidence concerning extrajudicial killings by security forces and enforced disappearances. This is further evidence of the persecution engine Dictatorial paranoia taking root in government policy. Minorities such as the Christian community in the country will take additional care now not to get on the wrong side of the authorities.”


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