DRC | 13 July 2022

Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC): ADF attacks continue

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As reported by HumAngle on 1 July 2022, militants belonging to Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) ambushed and killed three persons, including a woman, in Vyerere village near Halungupa in Ruwenzori sector of Beni territory in North Kivu. The rebels set three motorcycles on fire during the attack which took place on 29 June 2022.

World Watch Research analyst Yonas Dembele comments: “The ADF has remained a menace in Eastern DRC, persistently targeting Christians and their communities. There is no indication that the ADF insurgency will abate any time soon, especially because the security situation is being worsened by the M23 insurgency as well as by numerous other armed groups (such as CODECO) active in the region. DRC is one of the most fragile and complex nations in the region.”


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