Kenya | 26 April 2021

Kenya: Four killed in bus near the Somali border

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AP News reported on 24 March 2021 that four passengers were killed and dozens wounded when a bus hit an improvised bomb on a main road in the northern county of Mandera, near the Kenyan border with Somalia. Yonas Dembele, World Watch Research (WWR) analyst comments: "Although no group has yet claimed responsibility for the attack, al-Shabaab has been targeting Christians and security personnel in the north-eastern region of Kenya for years. This latest attack comes two months after al-Shabaab militants robbed passengers and a bus conductor in Wajir after failing to find Christians on the bus. The threat that al-Shabaab poses in the Mandera area has made it difficult for civilians, especially Christians, to travel, work and live in the area. In hotspot areas such as Mombasa, Garissa, Wajir, Lamu and Tana River, Christians have been regularly facing deadly attacks for their faith."


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