Somalia | 21 June 2022

Somalia: Bombings follow on heels of president’s inauguration

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As reported by the Anadolu Agency (AA) on 11 June 2022, two explosions in Mogadishu on 10 June 2022 claimed the lives of at least two people and injured more than 5 others. The first explosion targeted military personnel in a vehicle, while the second bomb went off in a small restaurant in an Internally Displaced Persons’ (IDP) camp.

World Watch Research analyst Yonas Dembele comments: “The attacks occurred one day after the inauguration of President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and although no group has claimed responsibility, al-Shabaab has used such methods of attack in the past. This violent militant group has continued every week to demonstrate its capability as well as its commitment to achieve its radical Islamic agenda. Due to the group’s violent and repressive means, there is virtually no room at all for visible Christian faith in the country.”


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