Sudan | 04 May 2022

Sudan: Lawlessness and lack of security continue to envelope the country

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There follows a selection of incidents occurring in April 2022:
  • 9-10 April 2022: Armed militiamen riding on camels and horses staged attacks on the villages of Tangi and Bir Dagig in Sirba locality in West Darfur (Dabanga, 11 April 2022). The attackers made off with hundreds of cattle and destroyed property belonging to the civilians.
  • 10 April 2022: A Lutheran pastor conducting a Sunday service in the Al Haj Abdalla Locality of Gezira State was attacked by a local Islamist group. Bibles were torn up and chairs broken. Both the main assailant and the pastor were arrested for disturbing the peace and sentenced on 25 April to one month"s imprisonment (The News Chronicle, 26 April 2022).
  • 13 April 2022: Armed militants and nomads attacked and killed at least 41 civilians and injured 27 others in the Abyei region disputed by Sudan and South Sudan (Crisis 24, 16 April 2022). It is estimated that about 350 assailants from the Misseriya community orchestrated the series of attacks which also saw the theft of thousands of cattle. The attacks were carried out in the localities of Leu Boma, Noong Boma and Amiet. Armed groups and nomads have intensified attacks in the region in recent weeks with this being the third attack in the space of only one month (Sudan Tribune, 14 April 2022).
  • 22 April 2022: Tribal clashes erupted in Western Darfur leaving over 160 people dead and several others injured or displaced (TRT World, 25 April 2022). According to local sources, the violence was carried out by armed Janjaweed tribesmen against the non-Arab Massalit minority, allegedly in retaliation for the killing of two tribesmen.
World Watch Research analyst Yonas Dembele comments: "These attacks reflect the ongoing lawlessness and lack of security in the region. Violence against Christians and civilians in general has become routine in Sudan. Although there had been hopes for religious freedom to return to Sudan following the revolution that overthrew former President Bashir, the military coup that toppled the civilian government in October 2021 may be fuelling a return to the days of radical Islam as the dominant ideology in the country. This puts Christians at particular risk. Moreover, the inter-communal violence also leads to displacement of people and loss of property which affects religious practice and freedom."


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