Sudan | 07 July 2022

Sudan: Protesters take to the streets

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According to a report by Al-Jazeera on 2 July 2022, thousands have taken to the streets demanding an end to military rule in Sudan. On 30 June 2022, security forces shot and  killed at least nine people and injured 500 at rallies in and near Khartoum. Near-weekly demonstrations have been staged since the October coup, so far costing the lives of 113 people, including 18 children.

World Watch Research analyst Yonas Dembele comments: “Sudan is in a very precarious position. The army decided to take government control on 25 October 2021. The country is currently dealing with a variety of issues including border disputes with Ethiopia and Ethiopia’s Nile Dam project which Sudan and Egypt are opposing. The combination of all these factors could lead the country into another deep crisis. If things do get worse, it is likely that the military regime would resort to the tactic used by al-Bashir and silence opposition by re-arming jihadist groups like Janjaweed. Christians had hoped that the removal of al-Bashir would bring religious and political freedom to the country, but such hopes have now been dashed.”


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