Religious nationalism India | 03 November 2022

India: Hostility against Christians does not depend on BJP influence

Even though the BJP has no great influence in Tamil Nadu, there have still been 26 incidents of hostility towards Christians recorded so far in 2022.


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According to a report by The News Minute (TNM) on 17 October 2022, hostility towards Christians in India is even occurring in regions where the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has little impact. Admittedly, data gathered by the United Christian Forum shows that most incidents targeting Christians occur in BJP-ruled states or in states where the BJP has a strong presence. So far in 2022 there have been 121 incidents in Uttar Pradesh, 85 in Chhattisgarh, 27 in Karnataka and 39 in Jharkhand. Tamil Nadu however represents an exception. Even though the BJP has no great influence in that state, there have still been 26 incidents of hostility towards Christians recorded so far this year. TNM journalists visiting the state found there was a pattern of threats, accusations and evictions instigated above all by radical group ‘Hindu Munnami’.

World Watch Research analyst Rolf Zeegers comments: “Who needs the BJP when ‘Hindu Munnami’ is deeply entrenched in Tamil Nadu society? The group grew rapidly in the 1990s and is affiliated to radical Hindu group Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS). Christian activities are watched through networks of informers. In all likelihood the hostility against Christians in this state are much higher than the figures show.”


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