Afghanistan | 01 June 2022

Afghanistan: The Taliban is struggling to keep its promises

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As Gandhara reported on 11 May 2022, the Islamic State-Khorasan group (IS-K) have been firing rockets across the border to neighboring Central Asian countries, showing that the Taliban is not completely in control of the country.

World Watch Research analyst Thomas Muller comments: “In the February 2020 Peace Agreement with the USA, the Taliban made a promise that no terrorist attacks would be carried out on other countries from Afghan territory (CFR, 2 March 2020). These rocket attacks not only add to the security worries facing the already weary neighbors of Afghanistan, they are also embarrassing proof that the Taliban is facing opposition from the IS-K and is struggling to keep its promise. Tajikistan faced such an attack on 7 May, while the Uzbek border city of Termez already witnessed a similar attack in April.”

Thomas Muller continues: “Meanwhile, the Taliban has been successful in brokering yet another ceasefire extension between Pakistan and the violent Islamic group, Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), which is largely based on Afghan soil, as reported by the Long War Journal on 18 May 2022. However, the series of earlier ceasefires has shown that the root problem of the conflict has not yet been tackled.”

Thomas Muller sums up in conclusion: “The poor security situation in Afghanistan will continue to affect all citizens, but especially its ethnic and religious minorities. This comes on top of an ever harsher Taliban regime introducing ever tighter rules.”


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