DRC | 01 June 2022

Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC): Attacks on civilians continue

Show: false / Country: DRC /
  •  9 May 2022: At least fourteen civilians were killed in an attack on an IDP camp in Ituri province. According to local experts, the attack was orchestrated by an ethnic armed group called CODECO (Al-Jazeera, 10 May 2022).
  • 11 May 2022: Two vehicles belonging to the humanitarian aid organization ‘International Rescue Committee’ (IRC) were attacked by an armed group in Kimoka, a village in North Kivu. The driver of one of the vehicles was shot twice and the driver and a colleague from the second vehicle were abducted (IRC, 12 May 2022).
  • 11 May 2022: Suspected ADF militants attacked a village in Irumu territory in Ituri province, killing at least 20 civilians and abducted 25 (New Vision, 18 May 2022).
  • 19 May 2022: Suspected ADF militants attacked Jida primary school in Ituri province. During the attack, roofing material, equipment and furniture was looted from the school. The attack left 222 children without access to education (Norwegian Refugee Council, 20 May 2022).

World Watch Research analyst Yonas Dembele comments: “These continual attacks in eastern DRC are a reminder that there are several rebel groups contributing to insecurity in the area and resulting in the suppression of religious and other freedoms. The ADF’s attacks on schools, social amenities and on foreign peacekeepers in recent weeks are all part of their objective to establish an anti-Western Islamic theocracy in DRC. Although efforts by DRC and Ugandan forces to combat the insurgents have intensified, the weekly attacks still leave civilians – especially Christians – in great danger. With no permanent and sustainable solution for future peace in sight, it is likely that ADF and other insurgents will continue their operations.”


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