India | 10 June 2021

India: Popular guru claims COVID-19 is a Christian conspiracy

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According to AsiaNews reporting on 28 May 2021, the main supporter of TV yoga guru Ramdev claimed on twitter that COVID-19 is "a conspiracy to convert the entire country to Christianity and turn them against yoga and Ayurveda". This claim comes from the chairman of a large company that makes Ayurvedic products. The Indian Medical Association (IMA) has filed a complaint against the guru for spreading false information by claiming that Indians should refuse conventional therapies and use instead Ayurvedic remedies. World Watch Research analyst Rolf Zeegers comments: "When the yoga guru publicly claimed that Ayurvedic products were the best means of tackling the COVID-19 pandemic, his opinion was immediately countered by the IMA. The guru"s followers have now lashed back, not by attacking the IMA, but Christians. While the IMA is a strong adversary, Christians have no opportunity to publicly oppose such charges. This is a good example of how Hindu radicals treat Christians. And, to make matters worse, every media platform in the whole country is repeating the Christian conspiracy claim."


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